Understanding Marriage
Her Experiences and Clarity
Marriage is a bond that discloses secrets about yourself and teaches you to evolve as a person. It is a roller-coaster ride, which when handled sensitively opens doors to lifelong bliss.
Suhani and Vivek have had their share of disagreements over the years but they have never led to fights. Their arguments always end in a joke with Vivek’s witty remarks about Suhani. They both have mindfully made their marriage work on the same bond and the fun quotient. Even after so many years of marriage, Suhani still misses Vivek when he is out on tours.
Suhani believes one marries a person for who he or she is and not to change that person. “I married Vivek because of what I am with him. What I become when I am with him. One should never think of changing the other person because no one likes to change. When we ourselves don’t want to change we should not impose change on others”.
Her experiences and clarity of thought, have led Suhani to counsel many couples with pre-marital and post-marital problems.
Mastering Parenthood
The Counsellor and Relationship-Builder
Be it marriage or parenting, Suhani has always acted wisely around her relationships. She believes one should be a parent for life but at the same time give the children their space to grow and develop at their own pace. She says, “Let the child fly and bloom. Only then you will see their true colours and be proud of them. I have accepted my children with learning disabilities. But we have to give our best as a parent and at the same time imbibe the correct values in them so that they remember them and remember to continue them for life”. Her sons worked hard in their academics in spite of their challenges and have made Suhani and Vivek proud.
Suhani believes in the concept of open parenting. In her words, “Let them learn the hard way. Let them be their person”. Finally, she adds, “Children make you the person you become”.
Suhani and Vivek feel as parents one shouldn’t burden their children. She believes in the concept of open parenting. In her words, “Let them learn the hard way. Let them be their own person”. Finally, she adds, “Children make you the person you become”.
Suhani’s experiences with people, have given her an insight into the way people think and react – enabling her to empower the youth and work as a child counsellor. Motivating and counselling parents is another area where her intuitive and rational thinking has helped her.
- Understanding
- Acceptance
- Respect
Can create relationships that will last you a lifetime and foster personal growth.