The Life Touchstones

The Amiable Personality

Suhani never had a strong inclination towards academics. However, she displayed a competitive spirit right from her childhood. At school, elocutions, singing, sports, and art occupied most of her time. Events, creative work, participating in exhibitions, and experimenting with new avenues, attracted Suhani from an early age. Being on the stage with the mike in her hands fascinated her.

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This interest soon found an outlet when she took to compering in later years. These traits have further flourished and have found expression as she works as an event conceptualizer today. A thoroughly people’s person, her ability to talk to anyone, anywhere without any qualms is an added advantage in her field of work.
Her Inspiration
Her Strength

As a child, Suhani was a tomboy who was naughty and at the same time curious to explore the world around her and learn from it.

For Suhani, her mother was the greatest inspiration. Till she got married, her mother remained her confidante, friend, anchor, and pillar. Back home from work, she would rush to her mother narrating the tales of her day, tracing out every event in detail.

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Her mother understood her and wanted her to experience life. At the same time, she knew when to warn her daughter and pull the strings. She gave Suhani the power to strive and set the base for her to be a creative individual with a strong personality and an empathetic heart.
The Goodness Gene

Suhani’s mother created an atmosphere at home that was rich in art and culture. Her Mother sang as a vocalist at the Air India Radio. Little Suhani listened to her intently whenever her mother would practice and thus, inherited the talent of singing from her. In fact, music was ingrained in Suhani’s DNA.

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Suhani’s PR skills and values like goodness and helpfulness are also attributes that she acquired from her mother. The list doesn’t stop here. Being a good host was another quality that her mother handed over to her. This helped Suhani immensely later in life as she forayed into event management.
Love and Marriage

At college, Suhani got introduced to Vivek Mendonsa. Being a Catholic with a Hindu name surprised her but Vivek impressed her at their first meeting itself. Over time, Suhani and Vivek got to know each other. Vivek supported Suhani at all times and went with her even for her marketing jobs. Soon it became a ritual for them to do odd-jobs, college events, and friend-meets together.

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Their first official work for a non-profit organization was a youth wing at Colaba, Mumbai, where they brought the youth together for various social causes. They even arranged meetings regularly with a well-known invited speaker every week to enlighten the youth.


With every growing day, week, month, and year their bond grew stronger. Suhani knew he was there for her and Vivek knew she was there for him. And on 2nd May 1995, Cinderella married her Prince Charming.

Not Bitter, But Better and More Beautiful

Life gets you across various challenges that play a great role in moulding you for the better. Suhani’s first transformation was at the age of 13 when circumstances created a need for her to be independent. It completely changed her perspective towards life.

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Marriage was the next step that brought about a vast change in Suhani’s existence. Vivek came in as a blessing for her. Being the kind of person Vivek is, he completed Suhani and helped her bloom into a balanced person.


Later, it was motherhood that came as a turning point in Suhani’s life. Nurturing two sons born with congenital issues brought out the rock strong personality in her. With surgeries and therapies, Vivek and Suhani together overcame their challenges. These circumstances however, opened a new window in Suhani’s life to understand others with similar issues. She actively got involved with various NGOs and organizations to extend her support.

  1. Learning
  2. Fearlessness
  3. Optimism
Qualities that form a solid foundation to accept
every phase of life and come out a winner.
  1. Learning
  2. Fearlessness
  3. Optimism
Qualities that form a solid foundation to accept
every phase of life and come out a winner.